New Economic School Georgia is rated 3 out of 5 in the category education management. Read and write reviews about New Economic School Georgia. Dissemination of economic knowledge through seminars, conferences, publishing, translations, public lectures etc; - influencing on the political decisions though involvement in public policy development process organizing r/t meetings, seminars, participating in debates, government commissions, inviting international experts, famous reformers etc. Activities organized by NESG during 5 years of existence: 1) more than 90 local seminars in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Rustavi, Gurjaani. Main themes of the seminars were concrete issues of economic policy, theoretic aspects of economic problems (averagely in this kinds of events take part 40-45 people: students, teachers of economics and other interested people); 2) more than 30 international seminars and conferences (in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan); young people from South Caucasus countries were main participants of this seminars. The last events in October – November 2006: a) International conference Freedom, Commerce and Peace – A Regional Agenda, with 140 participants (120 foreign) 2006, partners Cato Institute, Heritage, Smiths’ and Atlas Foundations, CIPE (all USA), Naumann Foundation (Germany), b) International seminars in Baku and Tbilisi with professor Hoppe. 3) more than 40 public lectures/30 workshops of/with well-known international lecturers/reformers: Robert Nef, Hardy Bouillon, Robert Lawson, Tom Palmer, Marc Miles, Ruth Richardson, Mart Laar, Richard Ebeling, Stefan Melnik, Sascha Tamm, Kakha Bendukidze, Krassen Stanchev, Tibor Machan, Johan Norberg, Ricardo Martinez Rico, Andrei Illarionov, Layos Bokros, etc. 4) established South Caucasus Network of Economic Freedom with the participation of think-tanks from Azerbaijan and Armenia. First achievement of the Network was including of Georgia in the World Economic Freedom research in 2005 (Armenia and Azerbaijan are in their way); 5) 3 volumes of Library of Liberty with the support of Naumann Foundation were published: - Basics of Liberalism - Liberalism and Power - Property and Liberty Already ready to publish a new issue on Education. In the volumes of LL first time in Georgia there were published ideas of world famous thinkers: Acton, Mises, Locke, Buchanan, Hayek etc. 6) brought and spread literature on free market and limited government in English and Russian. 7) members of NESG participated actively in international events: conferences and seminars, r/t meetings and discussions of Naumann, Heritage and Atlas foundations, Hayek, Fraser, Cato, Acton, Europe Institutes. members and experts of NESG participated actively in international expert meetings for discussing of public policy issues and programs of reforms. 9) publications: members and experts of NESG very actively published their opinion and ideas in local and international press (on educational, energy, deregulation, privatization, army, corruption and other issues. 10) a special web site of the NESG was established for publishing educational, training materials, commenting on the public policy, etc. 11) in 2004 and 2006 there were organized two 1-week-long seminars with Foundation of Economic Education with main agenda of Liberal Economic ideas. 12) through e-mail list (>3000 subscribers) more than 100 articles of famous libertarian authors were disseminated.
1 Petre Melikishvili St, Tbilisi, Georgia
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1-10 employees
Tbilisi, Tbilisi